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Saturday, 30 August 2014



Hi everyone!
I got a lovely surprise this morning, an amazing blogger nominated me for the Liebster award!
How sweet? Thank you so much!
To be honest, I have never heard anything about this award before.
My blog has a small following, so I didn't think anything of it, so I had my doubts, but after reading into it, I learnt that this will be a great opportunity for me!
This is an amazing way to get my blog out there!
This award is to help us bloggers out there with a small following to get noticed  by other bloggers, and to make some new blogging friends! I am so grateful to be nominated, and to have this opportunity!

  1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers, with under 200 followers!
  4. Link the bloggers to the post!
  5. Create 11 questions for your chosen bloggers to answer!
  6. Let the bloggers know they have been tagged!
  1. I am 5'5.
  2. My favourite shops are, River Island, Penneys, and H&M.
  3. I speak, French, English and Irish!
  4. Love the colour black! (a bit too much)
  5. I have an unhealthy obsession for leopard print! I am transforming into a leopard at this stage!
  6. I play piano and guitar!
  7. My favourite singers are, Amy Winehouse and Paolo Nutini!
  8. I am a complete makeup, hair, and tan junkie!
  9. My favourite makeup brands are, Urban Decay, Rimmel, L'Oreal and Bobbi Brown!
  10. I hate spiders, no matter what size they are, I secretly think they will kill me!

If you could create something beauty related what would it be?
I would invent a cream that removes unwanted imperfections such as spots and freckles overnight!!
If you could learn another language, which one would you choose?
As crazy as it sounds, Russian, I have always been fascinated by the language. Love it! 
If you could, what would you change your name to?
Love the names, Sabrina or Zara! Fun-Fact, I was going to be called, Zoey, Zara, or Jennifer!
Do you like sweet or savoury food?
Depends on my mood!! Love both foods equally it's hard to choose!! Sometimes I feel, I want to eat 1000 chocolate bars and all those goodies, then at other times I feel like eating something savoury!
Do you have any tattoos!?
No but one day! I plan to get hidden music notes on the sides on my fingers!
Do you prefer someone else doing your makeup over doing it yourself?
I got my makeup done before and loved it! I was so impressed! I love to do my own, as I know what suits me the best!
What is the beauty product that you go through the fastest?
Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick in '03'. I use it every single day, my holy grail lipstick for sure!
Do you have a signature nail polish colour you are always wearing!?
I have many favorites! I love the colours, Fuchsia pink, red, black, white and mint on my nails!
What is one beauty product that is worth investing in?
Everyone is different, for me it is foundation! I think investing in a foundation is important! 
It isn't every foundation I can wear as I breakout so easy! 
I have tried over 30 foundations, high and low end!! You know that you are getting the quality, and it feels great knowing you have something luxurious in your makeup bag!
What makeup item gives you instant confidence!?
I am a huge fan of long lashes! I can not go a day without wearing my favourite NYC Big Bold Mascara! It is my holy grail, and for 3.50 the quality and price is a brilliant beauty bargain!

I personally don't know anyone who has a blog with under 200 followers so I done my research!

  1. Holy grail products you can't live without!
  2. Your favourite high end and low end makeup brand?
  3. Do you have any tattoos, or would you get any?
  4. List of things you want to do before you die!?
  5. Heels or flats!
  6. Products you use for a no makeup, makeup look!
  7. Any hidden talents?
  8. What career do you see yourself doing?
  9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  10. Favorite singers/bands!
  11. Do you have any guilty pleasures?!

I am so grateful to get opportunities like these, to be introduced to bloggers, like me who have small followings, and to get my blog out there! I feel like nowadays it is harder than ever to get your blog noticed, so I love the fact us bloggers are joining forces and helping each other! 
That's the way it should be!
Again thank you to the lovely for my nomination, your blog is amazing! x x

Thursday, 28 August 2014



Hi everyone!

I am a huge fan of Mac Cosmetics lipsticks but for 17.50 they are definitely an investment.
Mac lipsticks are top of the range of course, but you can find great lipsticks at a great price if you are on a budget, yet want to look gorgeous! I am going to share my favourite Mac lipstick dupes! Enjoy! x


(Perfect Nude!) These lipsticks are identical in colour! Also you can't tell the difference of colour on your lips, definitely worth trying the Rimmel version available at Boots/Donaghmede Pharmacy- 7.95 euro.
I feel like the Rimmel version is a lot more moisturizing and creamy, but the Mac lasts longer!
I know they don't look the same in picture but they are very close in colour on the lips!


(Deep Fuschia Berry colour) I am a huge fan of Mac's Rebel LOVE IT!!
When I first heard that Wet and Wild had an affordable dupe for 2 euro, I got it straight away!
Can I just say, Wet and Wild lipsticks are fantastic! So great, the quality, the colour, pigmentation, for 2 euro, they are the best beauty bargain buy! Identical in colour, and perfect if you're looking for a dupe! Also if you are starting off with makeup invest in these beauties, worth every cent!


(Bright bold, pink tone) Again Wet and Wild you have outdone yourself once more.
Identical in colour, I'm sure the Mac version was only limited edition but if your a fan of the bright bold colour, grab the WAW lippie! I got loads of compliments on the pinkerbell colour!
Perfect for all skin tones, I have to say it would look great on people with blonde hair!
Price 2 euro, available-Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.


(Bright Red colour) Mac's Russian Red is such a great popular colour!
Worth the money if you are looking for a great red lippie.
If you are looking for a more affordable approach go with Revlon!
Again can't fault these lipsticks gorgeous reds, essential for your makeup bag!
Remember it's all about the right tone red that suits your skin tone!
Revlon- 10.70, Available-Boots.


(Your lips but better! Nude colour) So, exciting news for us Irish girls, NYX has launched in Ireland finally! I can stop being depressed watching beauty videos and hear people rave about their products!
I haven't tried Nyx 'Thalia' yet, but my friends have been telling me to try it, so I researched it, and it is identical! Can't even tell the difference to be honest, so I am excited to try that Kylie Jenner inspired lippie out!

Love all these lipsticks! Hope you enjoyed reading, and hopefully you will all try this lippies out! The colours are the perfect match for the Mac lipsticks, and at half the price, it's the perfect beauty buy! x x

Mac Lipstick pictures, all credit goes to Mac Cosmetics, and for drugstore pictures Google search.
I thought it would be nice to show you professional pictures instead of my old very used lipsticks!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014


Hi everyone, hope you are all well!

All us girls/makeup junkies love a good dupe, well I have found a bargain dupe for Mac's Strobe Cream!
L'Oreal Paris Lumi Magique Primer, it is half the price and does a great job, identical to the Strobe Cream!

Primers are used after your moisturizer to help prolong your makeup, and to create a good base for your foundation.
You can get different types of primers suitable for your skin-tone. I feel like these two primers are great for all skin types and it's a beauty buy you have to try!

These two primers create a dewy finish to the skin..
If you blend the L'oreal primer in well you could wear it on it's own!
The Mac primer creates a gorgeous, but metallic look to the skin so you might look like the tin-man if you wear it on it's own.. Whatever you're into..

These primers feel lightweight on the skin, and I feel like my skin feels so smooth, it creates the perfect base!

I would 100% recommend trying the L'Oreal primer! It is a brilliant dupe for Mac's Strobe Cream.

The Mac version, will set you back 33.50, available at Brown Thomas.

While the L'Oreal is a bargain buy for 15 available at Boots/Donaghmede Pharmacy!

Love both products, they make your skin look amazing! Hydrated and healthy, perfect for when your skin is dry and in need of some pampering!

Also, both products have not broken me out!!

Amazing products! x x

Sunday, 17 August 2014


Hi everyone!

I am going to be talking about a new product that I LOVE! 

Decleor Aroma Cleanse Clay and Herbal Cleansing Mask.

This is a fantastic product, it leaves my skin so clean and fresh! 
Sometimes I am lazy with my makeup removal and there would be patches of makeup left on my skin, and this Mask literally takes all the dirt and excess makeup off! 

It feels amazing, so luxurious on the skin. It feels so soft and smooth when I rub it in!

5-10 minutes, it's all about your personal preference. 
I like to keep it on for 10 minutes and really let the mask do it's job and clean my skin.

Once or twice if you really need it. I do this once a week just to give my skin a pamper. 

Firstly I have spot prone skin, if you are wondering. 
I did not break out at all, in fact it was the complete opposite. I felt that it did wonders for my skin.
I feel like my makeup builds up on my skin and that breaks me out, and I am not cleansing it well enough sometimes, and since I have been doing this once a week, I have definitely seen improvements in my skin!!

Yes Boys, you can use it. I let my brother use it 2-3 times, because he has spots and he loved it! He can love it all he wants now he's not using it again! Jokes aside, he said he didn't breakout and his skin looked amazing! I am not claiming this helps fight Acne but this is a step you can take to help!

Yes, I really think that this product has helped my skin. I have tried an endless amount of Face Masks, and as a result they just break me out!
It is priced at 25-30 euro, which definitely is an investment for me, but I feel that if it helps my skin, it is all worth it in the end. 
Also I know it is a quite small tube, but a little goes a long way, you only need a small pump and that does the job for me! You will get your wear out of this product!

If you live in Dublin, you can purchase this product and other Decleor products in Donaghmede Pharmacy, located in Donaghmede Shopping Center! 
Also if you live outside of Dublin you can buy this product on Amazon!

Overall I love this product. Decleor is a fantastic brand that specializes skincare.
 It can be an investment for me and some people, but it is worth it I promise!
This brand is so luxurious and it really helps care for you skin! 

Also can I add how tan this white mask makes me look, I am quite pale naturally, and it makes me look more tanned. I'm good with that haha! x x

The picture below shows me when I applied the mask, and then after with no makeup! 

Monday, 11 August 2014


Hi everyone.
It brings me great sadness and grief to announce that the amazing Robin Williams has passed away.
I guess I didn't want to believe it, I was hoping that it was another celebrity that was victimized and put onto the list of yet another celebrity death hoax.
After reading several official websites for confirmation, like Sky News, The Irish Independent and Celebrities well known on Social Media such as Ellen DeGeneres I felt broken inside. I don't think I will ever get used to this news.

We live and we all die, that is that harsh reality that we face. The concept of death terrifies me. 
Robin Williams was such an amazing person and I think we can all agree Robin Williams is a person you will never want to let go of, even though he was 63, he had so much more to give. 

Robin's character, his personality his whole presence lit up a room, watching him in previous interviews,
he seemed so positive, friendly, upbeat, and always made time to make people laugh.

This brings me onto my next point, Robin is a sufferer of Depression, I was aware of this. 
I think a lot of people thought he was the happiest person on the planet, but this is the thing about mental health, a person has the ability to disguise it or make people aware of it. 
Robin was very private of his suffering, I believe it was because he didn't want to let anyone down, in the sense that he is known for being Robin, this intelligent, hilarious, talented man, and if this news got out, nobody would ever see him the same, and would think his whole career was all just a lie. 
I am not comparing myself to Robin's case, but I went though a dark time, and for me, the best medicine was to make people laugh!
I would make my friends and family laugh all the time, and it was such an uplifting feeling. 
That I have the ability to make people laugh, and for a few seconds maybe, just maybe whatever problems they may have will disappear.
Most of the time I make a complete idiot of myself just to make people laugh, and at the end of the day, if it makes someone smile then that is my job done.
Life without laughter is a life wasted. We as humans sweat the small stuff, too much!
Just stop, breathe and remember the times you laughed so hard that it hurt.

Everyone has this perception that celebrities life a perfect life, which I am not going to lie it is true in some cases, the money and success, it all all very nice. Imagine being Kim Kardashian say, you planned a family outing to spend time together, it could be the first time you spent with family in months because of a hectic work schedule. You go out, and you are surrounded by paparazzi, every single step and journey you make. Just imagine the strain Kim must feel. I remember reading an article that one day Kim was pictured in a tracksuit and the headline wrote 'Kim in sweats, she is gaining weight as her marriage crumbles' for example, like what is that?
I think that is disgusting, that as people we all wear our comfortable clothes but as soon as Kim Kardashian dresses down, these idiotic people seize the opportunity to make this a headline and feel the need to create nasty headlines. Just stop!
So think of Robin in this case, he suffers with Depression as I stated above, so just imagine he had a panic attack and had nobody there to confide in, so decides to go for a walk to clear his head.
As he walks, he is recognized and bombarded by paparazzi, in his face and feels claustrophobic, his stress levels build, he feels he can't take it anymore. This could lead to drug use, or an overdose of his medicine. 
You have to be tough to be in an industry like this, every move, person you date, breakdown, weight loss/gain is watched by the whole world, just imagine the whole world judging you, imagine that everywhere you go you are followed, harassed, taunted and bullied on Social Media.
 Depression in the public eye is very difficult and I feel like Robin felt that strain for sure.

It was believed that Williams, died by suicide due to Asphyxia. I done my research, *Asphyxia a condition of severely deficient supply of oxegen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. An example of asphyxia is choking* It can be caused by several symptoms such as, carbon dioxide inhalation, a drug overdose, seizures that stop normal  breathing activity, contact with certain chemicals like, Pulmonary Agents such as Phosgene, suffocation, and Asthma. The lists goes on.
Police were called to the scene and are still unsure about the actual cause of death, and investigations will be taken place.

As I look back on Robin Williams career, it makes me smile. He was so intelligent, kind, hilarious and talented. He was so versatile, yes he was best at comedic films, but he showed us that there was another side to him, in the movie Patch Adams he showed that yes I can be funny, but I can be serious. 
Patch Adams I think is a very underrated Robin Williams film, I think it is one of his best portrayals. 
As a child I loved Aladdin, and Jumanji, but my favourite film of all time had to be Mrs.Doubtfire, I watched and watched and watched this film, I just loved it, as I child I loved Robin he was so funny, and he could portray different personas no problem!
This film will never get old in my eyes, his character, his talent will always be remembered and cherished.

I am still trying to get my head around Robin's death, it was so unexpected and tragic, may he rest in peace, and may his family find peace and comfort at this time. 
My thoughts are with his family and friends, and everyone who had the honour of meeting this truly inspirational man.

Always remember that if you feel alone or depressed, you can talk to someone.
You don't have to talk to Family or friends, there are helplines out there to help you.
They are available to call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are completely confidential.
Remember you are loved, maybe sometimes you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, we all have our days.
You feel like you are so alone, you are not, you are loved and stronger than you know.
If you feel like you are going through a constant cycle of depression there is help out there.
You don't have to feel alone.
It helps to develop a passion or hobby.
For me that passion is music and blogging and I find walking and listening to my favourite singer Paolo Nutini on full volume helps!
I love to write music, and it even helps to write down your thoughts and feelings down if you don't feel like talking.
Never feel like you are a burden to anyone, your family and friends love you and want the best for you!
You are loved you are important, and never let anyone tell you otherwise!
Suicide is never the answer.

Childline: 1800 66 66 66
1 Life: 1800 24 7 100



Hi everyone, so it is that time of year again where The X factor is slowing creeping in on us, meaning that Summer is coming to an end and also the cold weather and darker nights *sigh*. I'm not going to lie it is a guilty pleasure of mine, and come on, who doesn't love Louis Walsh's famous lines 'You look like a popstar, you sound like a popstar' 'You remind me of a young ....'  'You are the next big boy-band'.

I am delighted that Cheryl is making her debut return to X Factor, I love her, and her love hate relationship with Simon!

It is also believed that Tulisa is making a comeback also, after being charged with drug abuse, getting arrested and attending court cases, she is now cleared, and apparently Simon Cowell is showing his softer side, by offering Tulisa a spot on the judging panel, or to help him in judges houses! Either way I think this will be a great opportunity for Tulisa to prove herself and show everyone she is a strong woman! Go Tulisa!


It is believed that Cheryl Cole will be mentoring the girls!! I think she is a great role model for the girls category so I am delighted with that!

Mr. Simon Cowell, will be taking on the over 25's, which I think it is a different route for him, but I am sure he will have no problems, and this category will be a great one for him, and he can spot the talent!

Mel B to mentor the boys! I am sure she will be delighted with that. To me, she comes across as being a tough, fearless woman, and if she has a problem she will say it! So I think the Boys will be perfect for Mel B, because she won't tolerate any messers, and she will be a great mentor. Love her!

Louis Walsh, and the Groups! I think Louis Walsh should always mentor the groups, I remember one year he got the Boys and I felt like it was uncomfortable, the song choices were tragic! So I am glad to hear he has the groups and I feel like he will be more modern this year *fingers crossed*. After getting work done, and his hair done, I am sure he feels 21 again, so lets hope that comes across with his song choices!

Jokes aside! I am delighted with the Category choices this year!

X factor is set to be on TV on the 31st of August, not too long now! Can't wait! x x x

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Hi everyone!
I feel that we live in a society where you can't do the things you love and be the person you want to be without the commentary of others getting in the way. Up until a year or two ago I really cared about what people thought of me and how they perceived me, so much that I would change everything about myself. I wanted to please people. The biggest thing being my weight. One thing people don't know about me is that I have always been very insecure from a young age and that in the past when someone said anything nasty to me it took a toll on me, not so much anymore. I was always self conscious and there was a time that my confidence had hit an all time low. Looking back I was so hard on myself, I shouldn't have cared about what anyone said, I wasn't even fat it was my build and dieting and changing myself wasn't going to solve anything that it was only going to satisfy others because I was actually listening to them and believing that I was worthless. Now I never care about what people think of me, I do my own thing, if writing a blog or walking makes me happy, then that's that! Keep your opinions to yourself!

If someone you know, or someone close to you opens up and they say they are dealing with a mental illness, don't make them feel worse than they may feel. They actually built up the courage to tell you about their illness. Just try and be there for them, and show that you are a good friend. This is a sign that your friend feels like your friendship is strong and feels comfortable enough to tell you, they may not tell anyone else about their feelings or have anyone else to confide in, so be supportive and be there, because one day you might wake up and your friend has committed suicide because they couldn't cope, and don't laugh because these things can happen. Nowadays, the rise in bullying has risen, and it is even easier to be targeted by people, especially from the likes of Social Media.

'What do you have to be depressed about?' I think this is the rudest and the most inconsiderate thing to say in the world!! It happens all the time. You could be having a bad day and instead of the normal support system you're used to from your best friend, you get the answer, 'What do you have to be depressed about?' Everyone has their down days, people deal with depression on a daily basis. Your friend is having a bad day, so next time say 'What can we do to make you feel better' and if their response is 'Nothing' well then that is a sign that as a friend you make it your business to help. I know that if any of my friends are feeling down, I make them laugh! I always make sure that my friends are okay, even though I could be having the worst day. I don't want anyone to feel alone because I know and we all know, what it feels to be alone and stressed and I don't want anyone to feel that way because it is a crap feeling that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Friends are friends, remember the times they were there for you, down days, break-ups, backstabbing from other friends? Remember how much love and respect they had for you, no matter where your friendship stands never be bitter, just love the memories you shared.
 Your friend comes out of the closet and reveals they are gay. Coming out gay these days for someone is difficult, just think about how judgmental our society is, or maybe how unsupportive *Katie's* family is, this will be a difficult time for them. Even if you are against it, just show your support, and maybe you will warm up to the idea and then truly understand that *Katie* is gay, but she was your friend before all of this, and nothing has changed, she is the same best friend that you know and love. 
I 100% support the LGBT community, I have a lot of respect for people who know who they are and embrace it, and think who cares what people think, that to me is amazing!

As the saying goes 'Don't judge a book by its cover' just don't! People who judge others and create rumours are to me low lifes! I believe that people spread rumours and talk down of you because they are jealous and they want to make people think less of you, I really do! There is always the group in School or at Work you know that are pure bitches, who have something to say about everything excluding themselves. Get off your high horse!! So what she has red hair, you don't need to slag her everytime you come in contact with her. Maybe this person's Father has died, and they have never truly recovered from their loss, and they seem locked away from society, that doesn't make them crazy or a loner. These people may have had plenty of friends, and after this traumatic time, they didn't feel the need to go out and please the world, and then their so called friends turned on them and maybe they are the people who started the trend of calling them a loner. This to me shows that they were never truly a real friend, they should of helped *Lisa* and made plans so that she would get some air, enjoy herself, and that would help her take her mind of things. Losing someone you love, that pain never heals nor does it ever go away, this is something you learn how to cope with, it doesn't matter what you do, or who your with, you will never feel the same, and that is the harsh truth. So be gentle when you're in a situation like this.

I have wanted to write a post on this kind of topic for a while. Just a quick note this is NOT aimed at anyone! Maybe next time you will stop and realize that slagging others doesn't make you any better of a person, I am not going to lie, we all do it, we are all quick to judge and have a laugh, for example us girls 'oh my God what is she wearing the state of her'. Come on girls, I think us girls should stick together and not be so critical on ourselves as well as others. Overall I hope you enjoyed reading and that you might have learned something, this is a change from all my beauty topics, but I thought it would be something I would like to share with you all x x 

Friday, 8 August 2014



Hi everyone today I am going to be talking about drugstore affordable lipsticks that I would recommend for fair skin.
I will help recommend lipsticks suitable for your skin tone, & give you advice on the products that I love!

If you are naturally fair skinned you will look great in shades such as Nudes, Pinks, and Light Corals!


Nude Lipstick: L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Collection Privee in the colour 'Rosewood Beige'.
This is a gorgeous nude pink colour.
It glides beautifully onto the lips, making your lips look moisturized and gorgeous!
Especially with fair skin you can look washed out if your lipstick is too light, so I recommend wearing a nude lipstick with a very subtle pink colour in it.
PRICE 10.99- Boots/Donaghmede Pharmacy.

Pink Lipstick: Maybelline, in the colour 'Fuchsia Flash'.
Gorgeous bright pink, fuchsia colour!
This is said to be a dupe for Mac's Candy Yum Yum.
This lipstick lasts all day, even when you eat and drink!
It glides on beautifully, with a creamy texture! It is very pigmented so a little goes a long way!
If you don't like this colour on your lips to be too bold, just take some product on your fingers and dab it onto your lips and this will create a more natural lip colour. Overall fab product!
PRICE 8 euro- Boots/Donaghmede Pharmacy.

Coral Lipstick: Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick in the colour '110'. 
This is my favourite lipstick that I would recommend for fair skin, this lipstick is beautiful.
It is brighter than your average red, and is perfect for summer, and makes my teeth look whiter!
I am a huge fan of Rimmel Lipsticks, I feel like you can get professional results without the expensive price tag. Glides on beautifully, lovely pigment, really moisturizes your lips, and the colour is beautiful! PRICE 5.99- Boots/Donaghmede Pharmacy!
The answer is yes!
You can wear a red lip, just be cautious, it is not every colour that you can wear if you are fair skinned. I would definitely recommend No7 Stay Perfect Lipstick in the colour 'Love Red'.
This is the perfect shade for you, it is a blue toned, red lipstick and that's exactly the colour tone that will suit you! Fabulous product, lasts long & great colour pay off!
PRICE. 12.95-Boots.

Pink undertones in dark berry shades look beautiful on fair skin, as do cool/blue tones.
It is all about finding the right tone when it comes to finding your perfect match!
For a dark plum cool toned shade go for Revlon's 'Black Cherry'!
Amazing lip colour that suits all skin tones especially fair skin!
PRICE: 10.69- Boots.
For a nice pink undertone lipstick with a light subtle plum shade go for Rimmel Moisture Renew in Vintage Pink, fab colour!!
PRICE: 7.95- Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.

Thursday, 7 August 2014



Hi everyone! Today I am going to be talking about how I achieve a perfect, glowing fake tan, using amazing affordable easy to use products! This will be a step by step guide on how you can look your best with tan!

Preparation is essential! If you want smooth glowing skin when it comes to tanning, I would definitely recommend that you prep your skin 2-3 days before tanning!

EXFOLIATE! My Holy Grail Scrub has to be Cocoa Brown 'Tough Stuff' this is an amazing product, it removes any dead skin cells, and any excess tan that you may have left on your skin! It smells amazing and it leaves my skin silky smooth, and moisturized at the same time. I find that some scrubs can make your skin very raw and dry. I love Tough Stuff as it leaves my skin looking and feeling great! I like to use my exfoliating gloves by Cocoa Brown, these products combined make the perfect exfoliater.  Make sure to pay close attention to your elbows, knees, hands and feet, as they are the places that are dry and that the tan are more inclined to cling to!  TOUGH STUFF PRICE: 6 EURO. Available at Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.

MOISTURIZE!! I love my Chocolate Whip by Cocoa Brown, it smells amazing, a very subtle scent of chocolate, that keeps me moisturized all day! I pay close attention to my knees, feet, elbows and hands as they are the dryer areas of the skin and without preparation before tanning you will come out darker and more blotchy on these areas and we don't want that! This moisturizer extends the life of your tan, and also keeps the tan looking even, and ensures an even fade! Great to pop into my bag, and for 3.50 euro it's a bargain that I love, and you will too! PRICE: 3.50. Available at Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.

My Holy Grail Tan has to be Cocoa Brown 1 hour Tan, in the darker shade! This is a gorgeous product, after preparing your skin for tan, I would recommend using a mitt to spread an even layer of this mousse like texture all over your body. This tan feels like velvet on the skin, so soft and silky! What I like about this tan is you get a guide colour meaning, as you apply it you can see the colour so you know that you have applied it evenly all over your body! Wait for an hour and then you can wash it off, if it is too dark for your liking.  If you prefer an even darker finish you can leave it be and it will get darker! This tan has no 'Fake tan' scent this smells beautiful, like a subtle floral scent! This tan will last 5-7 days if you take care of your tan and apply moisturizer regularly, this is a simple step that will keep your gorgeous glow! Price 7 euro. Available at Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.

To be honest I am very conscious about my legs, the shape and the village of freckles that like to invade my legs everytime I get a bit of sun, I suffer with poor circulation as well and I am very conscious about that, why I am admitting that I will never know, I guess I want to show I am only human too and I have insecurities.
So I love to use either Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs/Lovely Legs by Cocoa Brown, this is like a makeup for your legs that provides a beautiful airbrush effect to your legs! These tans actually give you coverage and they really make my legs look even and tanned, these are my favourite products to apply onto legs, it really makes me feel so much more confident, and as I headed to work for the day I wasn't ashamed to show my legs, I felt good, I had even, natural tanned legs and I felt happy in my own skin! Sally Hansen price: 9.95, Lovely Legs price: 7.99. Available at Boots, Donaghmede Pharmacy.

As you can tell I am a huge Cocoa Brown fan, if you haven't tried these products above, what are you waiting for! Try them! I love these products, they do exactly what they say on the tin, and smell great! It is even better that it is an Irish Brand created by Marissa Carter yay for Irish products! Cocoa Brown has won awards, and received raving reviews from popular Beauty Bloggers, and it really deserves every bit of success that it gets!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014



Hi everyone today I am going to be talking about my brows. I get asked on how I do my brows and what products I use. My eyebrows are so dark already that people do think I fill them in, when in fact I only started to fill them in, the past 2 months after getting them waxed for the first time NEVER AGAIN!! I think brows are a very important feature and they help make a makeup look complete and frame your face. I never realized how much of a difference defined brows make to your face!!

This is a fantastic product, such a bargain too! I am in the colour 01 Black. It blends in great and looks so natural, I think this product does a great job and you should try it out before buying an expensive product! PRICE: 2-3 euro, available at Boots. 4 shades to choose from!

This again is an amazing product. I am in the shade 25. It is waterproof and won't budge all day! It makes my brows look lengthened, defined and thicker yet it looks natural! I would describe the formula as a creamy wax. Also this is available in 7 shades. It's on the pricier side being 20 euro but it is worth every penny! Also a little goes a LONG way, so you will definitely get your wear! If you're living in Dublin and wondering where the Makeup Forever store is located it is in Clarendon Street!

This is a brilliant product! I am in the shade Medium/Deep. I believe that there is 2 shades available! This is great for people that have sparse brows, because it actually creates hair like fibers that makes your brows look thicker and fuller!! So if you're lazy like me with your brows, you can apply this onto your brows and it looks great! It is very easy to apply! It is like a small mascara wand! It is priced at 24.50 euro and it is on the pricier side but worth it! It is available in Debenhams if you are from Ireland!

Above I discussed three great products I love. On a daily basis I like to use my Essence Brow pencil and then a quick coat of Gimme Brow if I need it. I love to use my Aqua Brow Kit by Makeup Forever on occasions as it is perfect for a night out, it lasts all day, as it is also waterproof and heatproof!!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014



Hi everyone, today I am talking about a High-End liquid foundation that I feel I need to share with you all. I have managed to buy 29 foundations over the past few years NO EXAGGERATION!! From brands like Essence to Estee Lauder.


This foundation is beyond amazing! I love it, I purchased this foundation of March of this year, and I have used it a lot over the past few months! I have not broken out at all! I am in the colour 3W1 Tawni.

This foundation lasts all day, NO TOUCH-UPS. It's crazy how much I check my makeup to make sure it looks it best, everytime I checked on my makeup, it looked just as good as the time I applied it! This Foundation is Medium to Full Coverage, buildable! This foundation is not thick, and feels so lightweight on the skin, which is great because normally foundations with good coverage like this foundation, normally feel thick, and even cakey, Mac Studio Fix for example, I love it yet I hate it!

I have freckles, pigmentation, and scarring from spots, and this foundation covered them beautifully, yet it looked so natural at the same time! I have combination skin if you are wondering!!

This product retails in Ireland for 37 euro, avaliable at Debenhams, and Brown Thomas.

This product is an investment but it is really worth the money, the coverage, that lightweight feel, the long wearing formula, this is an amazing product that you all need to try, and it's suitable for all age groups!

One complaint I do have is, it doesn't have a pump. It drives me insane when foundations don't have a pump, you can't control the product coming out, and I would expect a pump as it is an expensive product!

I wore this makeup from 11 a.m and this picture was taken at 1 O' Clock in the morning, no touch-up's needed! This foundation is truly beautiful!!                  


Makeup Removal 101:

Hi everyone, today I am going to be talking about how I remove my makeup, I have got asked a lot on the products that I recommend for certain skin types, so after purchasing half of Boots, I think I've got the whole makeup removal down to a T!

What if I told you I use one product to remove my makeup, suitable for all skin types, and paid under 5 euro?
Drum roll please..

Garnier Micellar Water!!

I purchased the Garnier Micellar Water a few weeks ago, after reading reviews, and to be honest I was skeptical at first, a water that claims to remove all my makeup, makes my skin look and feel great, no breakouts, I have heard it all before! But this time THE HYPE IS REAL!!

This product is now a holy grail!

When I am taking my makeup off, I pour out this product onto a cotton pad, and massage it onto my skin, this product glides on and removes makeup like a dream. This product says you can put it on your Face, Eyes and Lips! That is 100% true, I wear waterproof mascara sometimes (Makeup Forever Smoky Extravagant Mascara) this product takes it all off and I don't have to worry about looking like a panda!! This product has not broken me out, and I have spot-prone skin so I was worried!

This product is for all skin types, has no scent, and is fine to put onto your Face, Lips and Eyes, there is no irritation at all I promise!

Also since my skin is Spot Prone and dry, I feel this product just gives me the fresh faced look I always wanted to achieve for an affordable price! My skin has actually improved by using this product I can't believe it!

I used to use a Clean and Clear face wash which does the job, but I one day I used that first and then the Garnier water, and I couldn't believe it there was a lot of excess makeup left under my skin, so that could be one of the reasons I would breakout!

Overall great product can't sing it's praise enough!! 5 euro bargain also!!

Sunday, 3 August 2014


Hi everyone!

I think as women we know the struggles of removing tan! It is a pain, and it's even worse when you look like you have a skin disease and then your best friend calls to make plans to go out!
I am going to share my secrets on how I remove my tan!

Before your shower!
Baby Oil! This is the best product ever, right before you shower rub a generous amount of Baby Oil all over your body, rub in well and leave it to sink in!
I use Johnson's Baby Oil which you can purchase at Dunnes!

Shower time!
I think by now everyone in Ireland has heard of Cocoa Brown! It's an amazing Irish brand that manufactures Tan, and skincare!
Tough Stuff is an exfoliater which is a holy grail product for me, I rub a generous amount over my skin, you can apply it on either dry or wet skin, dry works best for me!
Leave for a minute and then watch the miracles happen!

Also put a layer of moisturiser on after you shower this helps so much to even out my skin and release any excess tan left over! I love Nivea's Rich Nourishing moisturiser which is on sale in Superdrug for 3 euro at the moment
This method will remove any excess tan, if I am going somewhere I would do this a few times to really prep my skin for a flawless looking tan! Also you can use Tough Stuff, 3-4 times a week!

Hope this helped!
Also I love to use St. Moriz tan, or Cocoa Brown they are my favourites!! x x