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Saturday, 22 November 2014


Hi everyone!

Today I am going to be talking about Benefit's They're Real Push Up Liner!

If I am going to be totally honest, I was a little disappointed with this product, it is an amazing product don't get me wrong, but it was so hyped up I was expecting miracles!

The product is a retractable eyeliner, with a gel like thick formula..
The angled tip is fantastic, it really allows me to create a precise line, and I can then decide to thicken the line up, it's all about your personal preference!

The liner was slightly dry, does anyone else feel the same?
You have to work quickly as it sets quite fast.
It is very pigmented so a little goes a long way!

The liner is available in Debenhams or Boots in Swords for 25.00 euro, which isn't too expensive in my opinion..

Well to be completely honest I am crap at liner, everyday is different, some days worse than others, so what I like to do is use my Real Techniques silicone liner brush and rub some product on that for my cat flick and for me that works really well, and with this brush being so fine I can do a thin line, sometimes when I use the liner directly I make the line too thick, and it is a nightmare to remove!

You're probably thinking what's the point in doing all of that?
Well, I love the formula of the liner, it is a gel like formula which is really black and lasts all day, and that is what works well for me.
I think with more practise I will get better, hopefully!!


  • Lasts all day!
  • Lovely packaging.
  • Retractable.
  • Easy to pop into bag!
  • Great formula!
  • Great precision.
  • Slightly dry.
  • Nightmare to remove.
  • Very black, some people might not enjoy that..
Other than that I really enjoy this liner! I have been using it for a while now and I am well used to it, and I think once you get used to and practised up on this liner, you'll be a pro in no time and you will be able to create the perfect cat eye!

I use Lancome's Bi-Facil- Oil Free Double Action Eye Makeup remover, which removes even the toughest of waterproof eye products, I love this product to remove my Benefit liner!

Me wearing the liner! (I didn't chop my hair don't worry ;) )

I hope this helped, and remember may the wings of your eyeliner always be even ;)

Until next time,
Jen xo


Hi everyone, hope all is well!

Today I am going to be talking about a new current obsession of mine, which is dupe makeup brushes!

To be honest before I got a job, I was never able to treat myself to makeup the way I do now lol..

The brushes I am going to be talking about are from the only and only.. Ebay!
In the 10 piece brush set you get 5 face brushes and 5 eye brushes, and oh my god, they are divine!
The best part, the brush set comes to a total of 9.21 euro, free postage!!

In the set you get, a 'Flat Top Kabuki Brush', an 'Angled Kabuki Brush', a 'Round Top Kabuki', an 'Oval Tapered Kabuki Brush', an ' Angled Flat Top Kabuki' and the Eye Shadow Brushes are shaped the exact same as the face brushes!

I was skeptical at first, when they arrived I didn't waste any time and used them right away, and fell in love!!

  • So affordable!
  • Great quality.
  • So soft.
  • Great for presents for friends, family!
  • Minimal hair shedding!
  • Last a long time!
  • Easy to wash.
  • Dense.
  • Dupes for Sigma Cosmetics brushes!
I can't fault these brushes, for the price, the quality of these brushes are unbelievable!

Here is the link my loves..

Christmas is catching up on us fast, and these are the perfect little stocking fillers, and presents for friends and family!

Until next time,
Jen xo

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Chris Martin- Sky Full Of Stars.

Hi everyone it's been a while!

In a recent interview with Coldplay's Chris Martin, (37) has revealed that no other than the stunning Katy Perry (30) inspired the chart topping hit, 'Sky Full Of Stars' no J-Law or Gwyneth, all Katy!

In a behind the scenes video Martin explains ''I'll tell you the truth I was listening to a lot of Katy Perry, a lot of her songs have the same chord sequence the whole time''.

''Your body feels comfortable with them and the melody is changing on top so there's like a groove that you really get into and then also you're kept interested''.

Don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't mind the lovely Chris to write a song for me, in fact it would be a dream come true. A girl can dream right??