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Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Hi everyone!

Today I am going to be talking about a new current obsession of mine..
A YouTube channel called 'MusicBloom'.

MusicBloom is a YouTube channel that promotes up and coming artists..

I am all for supporting others on social media especially the ones I feel deserving of it.
The quality, the sound, everything is amazing about this channel!

This channel which regularly uploads has a very unique, professional sound which allows the viewers to share their music and get it featured on the channel.

MusicBloom uploads a new track to YouTube everyday, and allows people to share their music on their channel, how lovely!

MusicBloom has a goal of reaching 500 subscribers by Christmas Eve, after losing subscribers in the past, and I think with a little help, we can help them reach their goal!

Since the relaunch of their channel in September 2014, the channel has grown increasingly well, to the point where several videos have thousands of views!
The link above shows a popular upload which has reached over 16 thousand views!

The music genre tends to be feel good remixes and with regular uploads it allows the viewers to enjoy the channel for what it is.

This is a perfect playlist for when you are going to get ready for a night out!
Just blast this on your speakers, with these feel good anthems you'll be in the party mood in no time! Have a little dance beforehand and you're good to go..
It is well worth looking into, and I'd love if you all could take a minute to subscribe to the channel!
(Link Above)

Social Media Sites:


I would really appreciate if you could follow MusicBloom, I feel like I have to share this with you all, I honestly don't know why they don't have more subscribers.
When you click on the links above they will take you to their YouTube channel..
Which you will not regret, I promise..

Until next time,
Jen xo