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Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Hi everyone!


This week has been a big week for baby news, as celebrities such as, Amy Huberman, Una Foden, and Kate Middleton announced their pregnancies.. and Beyonce?!

Yes, apparently Jay-Z may have just hinted at their concert in Paris, that Queen B might be pregnant for the second time, and now Blue Ivy may have a little brother or sister on the way!

Jay changed his lyrics in Beach and Better, and added ''Can I take this money with you. Burn this sh*t up like I'm richer. Ni**a's asking. Cause she's pregnant with another one' 

This caused a social media explosion, with everyone wondering, is B pregnant for the second time?! 

Who could forget the controversy of Beyonce's last pregnancy and that folding belly, that raised a few heads when Beyonce done an interview for Australia's Sunday Night!

I don't know about you, suspicious or not, I believe that it was the dress she wore and the way it folded!
I don't think any celeb has it in them to fake a pregnancy especially the lovely Beyonce!

Blue Ivy is now 2 years old, and I think it's the perfect time for parents Beyonce (33) and Jay-Z (44) to have another! 
There's 11 years between the couple, who knew, good for them, showing everyone that age isn't an issue when there is love!

The past few months the couple have received an endless amount of negative press, the elevator scandal being the main one!
Who could forget!

I think Jay-Z and Beyonce are a great, strong couple and that they always come up stronger when things like this happen!

Previous rumours that Jay-Z has had several affairs with other women too?!
I mean who cheats on Beyonce, God help the rest of us if that's the case!! 
During this rough patch, the couple took to the stage and put on their long awaited tour 'On the Run' and lets just say from the pictures, they definitely put any divorce rumours at bay!

The pregnancy rumours traveled fast, and soon enough Beyonce put the rumours to rest..
She posted this picture below on her Instagram account..
Damn, well hopefully Blue will have another sibling soon, and we can celebrate! x x

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