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Monday, 23 February 2015


Hi everyone,

Just two weeks after the long anticipated release of 50 Shades Of Grey, it is reported that
Irish man Jamie Dornan is set to leave the 50 Shades Of Grey franchise...

A report claims that 32 year old Dornan told film bosses that he will not return as Christian Grey for the next two installments..
Simply because his wife Amelia Warner was not one bit happy with the X-Rated scenes & the attention it has brought to her & her family..
In Amelia's defense I understand her concern, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable in this situation..

Amelia & Jamie share a 15 month old daughter together...

A source stated that..
 ''He (Jamie) tried to assure Amelia nothing would change but women all over the world now lust over Jamie''.
''She (Amelia) hasn't seen the film & I don't think she will to be honest''.

Apparently Amelia is not the only one to blame, as the same source stated that, Jamie & his co-star Dakota Johnson aka Anastasia Steele do not get along.. & it is said that Jamie blames her for the lack of chemistry & passion in the film itself..
''Jamie does not think the performance was bad, instead he blames Dakota & says it wasn't possible to have chemistry with her''.
''Dakota gave him nothing to work with''.. OUCH.

I have to say, I haven't seen the film myself & I'm not planning to, but it seems like everyone is praising Dakota as her role as Anastasia more so than Jamie's, might be just me..
Maybe I sense a bit of jealousy..

There have also been reports of further disagreements as it is said that, director Sam Taylor Johnson has also quit the franchise due to ongoing disputes with writer, E.L James...

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below..
I think that both Dakota & Jamie can't wait to see the end of this, if the rumours are true..
But to me, they seem happy together in pictures, but maybe that's just for the cameras.. hmm..

Jamie & Dakota's shoot for Glamour Magazine..

The pair looking happy together at a premier..

Jamie & the gorgeous Amelia..

Until Next Time,
Jen xo

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