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Monday, 16 February 2015


Hi everyone..

Like myself, we all love a good celebrity feud..
Get the popcorn..

Amber Rose who famously dated Kanye West, recently expressed her thoughts on no other than Kylie Jenner..

This week Amber Rose started the war with no other than the Kardashian Klan (see what I did there.)

In an interview on Power 105 Radio show on 13th February..
Rose called out Kylie Jenner & boyfriend 25 year old Tyga..

''She's a baby, she needs to go to bed at 7 o'clock and relax''.

''That's ridiculous (Tyga) should be ashamed of himself, for sure he has a beautiful woman and a baby and left for a 16 year old who just turned 17.''

Khloe Kardashian who is known for standing up & regularly shows support for her family, responded in a twitter rant, which let's just say things got heated up VERY quickly..


''I was a stripper since I was 15 years old,'' Amber Rose told Foxx. Please don't worry about my sister who has a career & her shit (1)''.

''Together at ONLY 17, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones''. (2)

''Please stop talking about us in interviews mama. None of us talk about you''. (3)

Khloe went on to clarify her points to a follower & stated she has no problem with Rose's work as a stripper, but has a problem with Rose saying such things about Kylie, saying she should be in bed by 7 p.m when Rose had very public & provocative teenage lifestyle..

''We get asked questions about people all the time and my sisters and I always take the high road and don't answer,''

She continues.. ''Truth is we don't know these people. I don't know Amber so why would I comment on her.''

''I'm not going to comment on someone I don't know, that's unfair''.

''We all hear things via social media or blogs but I would only want to comment on someone if I actually knew them and or had my own personal history with them''.

''I would think others would want the same respect''.

''3 sides to EVERY story. His, hers, and the truth. I'm not passing judgement but I wish others would do the same until they have FACTS.''

Rose hit back at Khloe on twitter saying..

''@KhloeKardashian I'm happy u brought up the fact that I was a stripper at 15''...
''I'll be that lil whore to support my family like ur older sister (Kim) is a whore 2 support hers.''
''We're even #MulaGivesFacts #Don'tPanic.'' (Lyrics from a French Montana song)..

Rose also posted a photo meme of the Kardashians..
Click on the link above to view..

The caption states..
''When your sister in law calls out your ex for being a stripper, but ur wife has a sex tape'..

The claws are out!!
Whose side are you on..
The Kardashians or Amber Rose's..

Let me know in the comments below..

Until next time..
Jen xo

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