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Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Hi everyone..

It has been rumoured today that no other than Katie Hopkins may be replacing Simon Cowell on Britain's Got Talent when Simon decides to retire.. Dear God..

Simon mentioned recently that he..
''Can't go on forever.. I'll do a couple more years, sure.''
''I enjoy the shows, but I will retire..''

Katie stated..
''There is a role for Ms. Nasty on any panel. We don't have any good Miss Nasties at the moment because everyone wants to be sweet like Cheryl Cole''.
''They want to be loved.''
''It would be good to have someone different''.
''There is absolutely more TV coming up for me''.

I think everyone was shocked by these rumours.. Including me..
Imagine how humiliating it would be to be a victim of Katie's cruel words & she doesn't hold back..
Oh no.. She will go for it & it being a family show, & the fact there will be young children auditioning, I think she will break a few hearts.. Not looking forward to it, if the rumours are true!

Leave your thoughts in the comments below..
Until Next Time..
Jen XO

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