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Friday, 27 February 2015



Hi everyone,

It all started after a surprising & somewhat shocking episode of Fashion Police where Giuliana Rancic made a very cruel remark about Zendaya's dreadlocks..
''Smells like patchouli oil.. or maybe weed''...

It seems like this did not go down well with Kelly Osbourne who revealed that if she was going to be ''dragged in'' she would leave the show & she did just that.. via twitter rant..

''I WILL NOT BE DRAGED INTO THIS! The situation is being rectified like ADULTS by both parties. I hope you can leave it to them & do the same!

''You guys do realize @Zendaya is my friend right?''

''I'm giving everyone involved 24 hours to make it right or the world will hear how I really feel. contactually I'm not allowed to speak!''

(Kelly's spelling not mine..)

In a statement today, E! announced Kelly's decision to leave Fashion Police..

It reads, ''Kelly Osbourne is departing E!s ''Fashion Police'' to pursue other opportunities, and we would like to thank her for her many contributions to the series over the past five years, during which time the show became a hit with viewers. ''Fashion Police'' will return as scheduled, on Friday, March 30th at 9.00 p.m, and no decisions have been made on her replacement.''

This is definitely a stressful situation & I wonder how the other members of Fashion Police feel about the departure..
I think that if Joan Rivers known for her remarks & honesty said that about Zendaya locks there would not of been as much controversy because I feel that Giuliana is trying to say things to be funny without thinking it through, which just ends up as a catastrophe..
I am not used to Giuliana saying such things..

I'll keep you all updated if I hear any news..
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
Until Next Time,
Jen xo

Thursday, 26 February 2015


Hi everyone,


Reports emerged this week that Kim Kardashian West pays her assistant 100,000 (dollars) to perfect her photos using photoshop before sharing them on her social media..

Kim's spokesperson quickly responded to the claims branding them as..
''Completely false''.

The queen of selfies, who shares regular pictures of herself & outfits has reached nearly 30 million followers on Instagram..
Would Kim take it this far..?
Let me know in the comments below...

The photo above shows the beautiful Kim who shared that she hates falling asleep with her makeup on & people were quick to respond saying no person would look that good if that was the case..
Which I would agree, if I fell asleep with my makeup on I would look an absolute state!
A lot of people claimed photoshop was in use..
Which if it's the case, it is very subtle & not overdone..
We all love a good ol' filter, so I think give the poor woman a break!

Until Next Time,
Jen xo


Hi everyone,

Katie Hopkins isn't one for holding back & it seems like Simon Cowell is either..

Earlier this month, the controversial Katie Hopkins stated..
''There is a role for Ms. Nasty on any panel. We don't have any good Miss Nasties at the moment because everyone wants to be sweet like Cheryl Cole''.
''They want to be loved.''
''It would be good to have someone different''.
''There is absolutely more TV coming up for me''.

In response Simon fired back in possibly the best comeback I've seen in a long time..
'' I would rather take a bath, fill it with vinegar, cut myself a thousand times, immerse myself slowly for an hour, than to work with her''. OUCH

I'm guessing that's a no then Simon..?

Katie then hit back at that comment, again their comeback skills are impeccable..
''Simon is not excited about having me around for @BGT. 
I was thinking of a new show, @LGBT. I think he'd be just perfect''.

What are your thoughts?
Would you watch BGT if Katie was on it?
I don't think I would.. I could see that ending very badly..
As long as Simon is in charge we don't have to worry.. ;)

Until Next Time,
Jen xo

Monday, 23 February 2015


Hi everyone,

Just two weeks after the long anticipated release of 50 Shades Of Grey, it is reported that
Irish man Jamie Dornan is set to leave the 50 Shades Of Grey franchise...

A report claims that 32 year old Dornan told film bosses that he will not return as Christian Grey for the next two installments..
Simply because his wife Amelia Warner was not one bit happy with the X-Rated scenes & the attention it has brought to her & her family..
In Amelia's defense I understand her concern, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable in this situation..

Amelia & Jamie share a 15 month old daughter together...

A source stated that..
 ''He (Jamie) tried to assure Amelia nothing would change but women all over the world now lust over Jamie''.
''She (Amelia) hasn't seen the film & I don't think she will to be honest''.

Apparently Amelia is not the only one to blame, as the same source stated that, Jamie & his co-star Dakota Johnson aka Anastasia Steele do not get along.. & it is said that Jamie blames her for the lack of chemistry & passion in the film itself..
''Jamie does not think the performance was bad, instead he blames Dakota & says it wasn't possible to have chemistry with her''.
''Dakota gave him nothing to work with''.. OUCH.

I have to say, I haven't seen the film myself & I'm not planning to, but it seems like everyone is praising Dakota as her role as Anastasia more so than Jamie's, might be just me..
Maybe I sense a bit of jealousy..

There have also been reports of further disagreements as it is said that, director Sam Taylor Johnson has also quit the franchise due to ongoing disputes with writer, E.L James...

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below..
I think that both Dakota & Jamie can't wait to see the end of this, if the rumours are true..
But to me, they seem happy together in pictures, but maybe that's just for the cameras.. hmm..

Jamie & Dakota's shoot for Glamour Magazine..

The pair looking happy together at a premier..

Jamie & the gorgeous Amelia..

Until Next Time,
Jen xo

Thursday, 19 February 2015


Hi everyone..

Recent pictures of a non- photoshopped Beyonce have appeared online.. & it seems like everyone has an opinion.. Mostly negative..

Can we stop for a moment, & realise we are all human, imperfections and all..

I think the photos that surfaced of Beyonce are beautiful!
I feel like it is the makeup more so, that isn't doing the Queen B any justice, the woman has spots give her a break..

I noticed it is all women, (men don't care I know..) the same women who complain about the overuse of photoshop on celebrities & how we should embrace who we are..
So why is it, that now we see un-photoshopped pictures of Beyonce that all of sudden she doesn't live up to your expectations, that you're shocked to see the way she looks..
Remember with photoshop there are several people working on one photo perfecting every inch..

How can women like Beyonce embrace who they are if there is people out there who do so, critiquing a woman's appearance..

I have read endless articles on it & it seems like not one person has anything positive to say, that Beyonce should ''look a certain way'', the way ''we expect her to''..

I could go on forever, but I still think that Beyonce looks beautiful & that more celebrities should bare all & show girls that it is okay to embrace the way you look..

I do it myself..
Looking at photos, knowing well they are perfected yet beat myself up (not literally) on the way I look, just wishing I could be so perfect like the girls on the magazine..
Then I realized that it's okay to look the way I do, if I had a glam squad like most celebrities have on call nowadays it would make my life easier..

What are your thoughts, would love to know what you think..
Until Next Time..
Jen xo

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Hi everyone..

It has been rumoured today that no other than Katie Hopkins may be replacing Simon Cowell on Britain's Got Talent when Simon decides to retire.. Dear God..

Simon mentioned recently that he..
''Can't go on forever.. I'll do a couple more years, sure.''
''I enjoy the shows, but I will retire..''

Katie stated..
''There is a role for Ms. Nasty on any panel. We don't have any good Miss Nasties at the moment because everyone wants to be sweet like Cheryl Cole''.
''They want to be loved.''
''It would be good to have someone different''.
''There is absolutely more TV coming up for me''.

I think everyone was shocked by these rumours.. Including me..
Imagine how humiliating it would be to be a victim of Katie's cruel words & she doesn't hold back..
Oh no.. She will go for it & it being a family show, & the fact there will be young children auditioning, I think she will break a few hearts.. Not looking forward to it, if the rumours are true!

Leave your thoughts in the comments below..
Until Next Time..
Jen XO



Hi everyone..

Today I am going to be talking about one of my new obsessions..
The EOS Balm..

To my lovely readers from different countries, you may think I am starting late into the trend..
But as an Irish girl, the EOS balm has only come available in Ireland now & I love it!

Thank you to my lovely friend Annemarie for buying it for me!
 I was so happy to test it out & review it!

  1. My first initial thoughts when I opened it was, how much I love the cute, compact & egg shaped packaging. 
  2. It is a nice small size & perfect for throwing into your handbag..
  3. It has a screw off lid, which is perfect so it won't leak & get messy in your bag/ makeup storage..
  4. I love how it makes my lips feel, it is very moisturising & I love the flavour & scent that it has.(My flavour Eos is Passionfruit) DIVINE!! 

I cannot fault this product, I have been waiting for it to launch in Ireland for the longest time, & it was so worth the wait..
It is definitely worth trying if you are interested..

One thing I will say is, if you are a prone sufferer of very dry lips it would be best if you try out something stronger & use the EOS balm on the side as a top up during the day!
EOS balm will moisturise & hydrate your lips, but if you suffer with very dry, very flaky lips I would suggest something stronger if you know what I mean..

They are several different flavours to choose from.
From Strawberry Sorbet- Sweet Mint..

I love to apply my EOS balm directly onto my lips before lipstick, as I said in a previous blog post, preparation & care for your lips is so important & I love how it makes my lips feel..
Read my blog post on how to achieve perfect lips! (Link above).

I am an all matte finish kind of girl when it comes to lipstick..
Not really into picking my pieces of hair off my glossy lips in the wind girl. Not fun..

Especially when I am using my Velvet Teddy Lipstick from MAC Cosmetics, that is very matte,
I found that my lipstick application went on so much smoother when using my EOS balm first, without affecting the lipstick performance..

Overall I love the EOS balm, it makes my lips feel super smooth & hydrated..
So handy to have in your bag & compact..

Definitely worth trying out!

Until Next Time..
Jen xo


Hi everyone,

15 month old North-West, daughter of Kim Kardashian West & Kanye West is no doubt a fashion icon already in her own right...

Earlier this week, mother Kim Kardashian posted a picture of little North on her Instagram page, wearing a bulletproof vest..
Yes really..

Nori wore the unusual choice of outfit when she attended her dad Kanye West's Adidas fashion show in New York, where a few of the other Kardashian Klan were spotted..

Kim captioned the picture.. ''Look at my little cutie!!! #DaddysMuse#BabyYeezyBulletProofVest

Maybe this will start a new trend.. hmm at least it's safety first in Kim's eyes...

Little North was also in the spotlight, sitting front row in the fashion show, with famous faces like Beyonce, Jay-Z & Nicki Minaj alongside them..

Obviously North-West didn't approve as she burst into tears, causing Kim to look after Nori..
& this obviously didn't go down well with the people she was sitting with as they were a few disapproving faces in the mix..
Which I felt like what do they expect, Nori is only a baby things like this happen..

This was my favourite shot look at Nicki..

What do we think..
Leave your thoughts below..
Until Next Time..
Jen xo

Monday, 16 February 2015


Hi everyone..

Like myself, we all love a good celebrity feud..
Get the popcorn..

Amber Rose who famously dated Kanye West, recently expressed her thoughts on no other than Kylie Jenner..

This week Amber Rose started the war with no other than the Kardashian Klan (see what I did there.)

In an interview on Power 105 Radio show on 13th February..
Rose called out Kylie Jenner & boyfriend 25 year old Tyga..

''She's a baby, she needs to go to bed at 7 o'clock and relax''.

''That's ridiculous (Tyga) should be ashamed of himself, for sure he has a beautiful woman and a baby and left for a 16 year old who just turned 17.''

Khloe Kardashian who is known for standing up & regularly shows support for her family, responded in a twitter rant, which let's just say things got heated up VERY quickly..


''I was a stripper since I was 15 years old,'' Amber Rose told Foxx. Please don't worry about my sister who has a career & her shit (1)''.

''Together at ONLY 17, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones''. (2)

''Please stop talking about us in interviews mama. None of us talk about you''. (3)

Khloe went on to clarify her points to a follower & stated she has no problem with Rose's work as a stripper, but has a problem with Rose saying such things about Kylie, saying she should be in bed by 7 p.m when Rose had very public & provocative teenage lifestyle..

''We get asked questions about people all the time and my sisters and I always take the high road and don't answer,''

She continues.. ''Truth is we don't know these people. I don't know Amber so why would I comment on her.''

''I'm not going to comment on someone I don't know, that's unfair''.

''We all hear things via social media or blogs but I would only want to comment on someone if I actually knew them and or had my own personal history with them''.

''I would think others would want the same respect''.

''3 sides to EVERY story. His, hers, and the truth. I'm not passing judgement but I wish others would do the same until they have FACTS.''

Rose hit back at Khloe on twitter saying..

''@KhloeKardashian I'm happy u brought up the fact that I was a stripper at 15''...
''I'll be that lil whore to support my family like ur older sister (Kim) is a whore 2 support hers.''
''We're even #MulaGivesFacts #Don'tPanic.'' (Lyrics from a French Montana song)..

Rose also posted a photo meme of the Kardashians..
Click on the link above to view..

The caption states..
''When your sister in law calls out your ex for being a stripper, but ur wife has a sex tape'..

The claws are out!!
Whose side are you on..
The Kardashians or Amber Rose's..

Let me know in the comments below..

Until next time..
Jen xo


Hi everyone,

Just moments ago Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, a.k.a Lady Gaga revealed that she is engaged to her long term boyfriend 33 year old Taylor Kinney..

The beautiful heart shaped ring was given to Gaga on Valentine's Day..

The 28 year old beauty confirmed the engagement herself via Instagram, & other social media..
She posted a picture of the huge diamond heart shaped ring captioning it..
''He gave me his heart on Valentine's Day and I said YES!''..

The pair met back in 2011 on set of Gaga's ''You & I'' music video, shot in Nebraska..
Gaga & Kinney performed alongside each other in the racy video..
It was obviously love at first sight as they got together just months later, took a break in May 2012 & got back on track the following month..

Together ever since, they seem to be in love as ever, & what I love is that they seem happy together..

Kinney spoke about his Bride to be back in April 2014, saying..
''(She's) Someone who's always in your corner, that believes in you and your work, and vice versa''.
''You know, I love what she does and her work and music and charity. She inspires so many people including myself''..

Wishing the lovely couple all the best..
Until next time..
Jen xo

Thursday, 12 February 2015


Hi everyone..

Very exciting news today, for all you makeup lovers & fans of Miley Cyrus..

Today, Viva Glam Miley launched in all MAC Cosmetics stores..

If you aren't familiar with the Viva Glam Line, part of it is a special limited collection & collaboration that well known celebrities, like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna & Nicki Minaj worked on & released..

The strong pink lipstick is an amplified finish, which is very pigmented & gives a strong colour pay off with a light sheen..
You can choose between the lipstick & lipglass..
Lipstick: 19.50 (euro).
Lipglass: 18.00 (euro).

One of the reasons I love to buy from the Viva Glam collection..
100% of the proceeds go to the MAC aids fund which helps men, women & children who are affected by HIV Aids..

Knowing that my money is going to such a worthy cause, makes me feel less guilty of spending my money ;)

I will be definitely getting my hands on this collection!
I'd say the colours would look so flattering
on so many different skin & hair types!

Until Next Time..
Jen xo


Hi everyone,


Not so long ago, I loved to watch my favourite film Matilda..

Since it's 1996 release Matilda has been loved all over the world by many & still today..

Today, I stumbled across a picture of Mara Wilson (27) who played 'Matilda' & Kiami Davael (28) who played 'Lavender' all them years ago..

The paired cosied up for a selfie, which Kiami posted on to her Instagram page, captioning it..
''Lunch date shenanigans, with my sis from another miss, Mara #LoveHer #LavenderAndMatilda #BFF #WeStillHangTough #AnyNegativityWillGetYouBlocked

It's lovely to see the girls still stay in close contact, following the 19 years since Matilda has been released..

       This might jog your memory, how cute!!

     The pair together for lunch!
Before & Now shot..
Before & Now shot..

Until Next Time..
Jen xo

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Hi everyone!

Perfect lips 101

Yes, that day is coming again.. Valentines.. Fantastic for some, & if you're like me, not so fantastic..
*Cue violins, & chorus of cats*

My plan is to go out with the girls, cause we independent women who don't need no man, but would love one at the same time..
The ones I like are always twice my age anyways, god damn it... Struggles..

On Valentines, your lips have to be in top shape, for obvious reasons of course, so that attractive biting the skin off your lips face you like to do, well your love most likely will not find that so attractive..

I recently got my hands on the Bubblegum lip scrub from Lush, after raving reviews & my god it is divine!!
It smells & tastes amazing, yes I did try to eat it... No shame..
It left my lips so smooth & soft, gets rid of any excess dead skin instantly..
A must have, especially for valentines!

Usually when you scrub your skin, especially for example when you scrub your tan off, your skin can feel pretty raw, & feel like it's lacking in moisture, the lip scrub is great but it's important to put that moisture back into your lips!

  1. Carmex: One of my all time favourites, it provides a long lasting feeling of moisture, available in different flavours, love the strawberry!
  2. Vaseline: Good Ol' Vaseline, the stuff is out years, oldie but a goodie, always have a tub of it in my handbag, leaves your lips super soft & smooth. Love, love, love the Cocoa Butter one!!
  3. Baby Lips: A fantastic lip product from Maybelline, leaves the lips so silky and moisturized, available in different colours. Perfect for Valentines day & a nice change from the harsh lipsticks! Available in Donaghmede Pharmacy for 3.99 (euro) bargain!
You can skip this step, but there's nothing I love better than to overline my lips, I feel instantly better about myself & I feel it brings my makeup together. The bigger the better when it comes to my lips!

If you're like me & love the bargains, one of my favourite everyday lip liners, is from Catrice for 2.99
(euro) they have a fantastic range of colours & they last so long! Available in Donaghmede Pharmacy. My favourite shade is Vintage Rose! Perfect nude colour..

Once a while, I have to treat myself to an expensive lip product it's a must..
I recently got my hands on MAC Cosmetics, Morning Coffee Lip Liner & I am very much in love.. If your willing to invest 20 euro for a good Lip Liner, MAC is the way to go!
It is a gorgeous, brown nude shade..

That title though.. hmm..
Of course I'm talking about the lip colour..If your going out for something to eat, & want your lips to last forever & ever, use these 3 steps!

  1. Preparation, use the above steps to prep the lips.. Using lipstick on dry unprepped lips, won't do anything for your lips & the product will wear away very quickly.. Scrub & Moisturise!
  2. Lip Liner, I love to overline my lips, but to also fill my whole lip in with lip liner in a shade close to my lip colour, & then apply my lipstick!
  3. The last & best tip of all is after applying your lipstick, hold a clean tissue (duhh) over your lips and lightly dust loose translucent powder, over the tissue. This steps works wonders, I like to apply my lipstick, powder, apply & powder.. I learned this fab tip, after talking with a customer in work, who said she used to work in a night club, & she used this step to ensure her lips stayed in place & it works so well! I use Rice Powder from Fuschia Cosmetics! 
Fab for making your makeup last all day!
Hope this helped & enjoy your day with your love.. Jen xo

Saturday, 7 February 2015



Reality star, 65 year old Bruce Jenner has been involved in a horrific car accident in L.A according to reports today.

Reports state that Bruce was driving one of the vehicles, but in fact was not injured as a result.

The incident occurred around 12 o' clock midday, on Saturday, on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California.

There were three vehicles involved in the accident, resulting in one death, which details on that person has not been released. Sources say there was a total of eight people involved.

Bruce himself had to take part in a sobriety test, since reports show he was the cause of the accident.
Sources state that the people involved sustained some form of injury ranging from moderate to severe..

Wishing everyone involved a speedy recovery & I will keep you all posted if I hear any news..

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Hi everyone, hope all is well,

Yes, I can confirm that Bruce Jenner (65) is transitioning into a woman..

This came as a shock to many including me, but I think it's amazing that he has discovered his true self..

Looking at recent pictures, Bruce has been making, very subtle changes to his appearance, longer hair, nail polish, & what I thought very plumped lips? Bit of inspo from his daughters perhaps..

Bruce Jenner's mother, Esther has spoken out, regarding the rumours swirling about her son's transition & has confirmed.

It was just recently that his step daughter Kim remained reasonably quiet on the subject, revealing that..
'' I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he'll share whenever the time is right'. 'I feel like that's his journey to talk about''.

Speaking to Radar Online, Esther spoke out, saying how proud she was of her son.
''I just learned about (his transition). Bruce filled me in, and we had a very long, long talk about it. I have never been more proud of Bruce for who he is, himself as a father, as an Olympian, a wonderful public speaker. He instills enthusiasm in people. He's gifted.''

Beautiful words spoken by his mother..

Bruce Jenner will open up to Diane Sawyer about transitioning to life as a woman. It is said that Bruce is set to sit down with the ABC News Journalist, for the highly anticipated interview.

Bruce is surrounding by his loving family & friends since the rumours, with the family posting several pictures alongside Bruce, showing him the support & love he needs.

I feel that everyone has been very cruel on the subject, but I have to say, these things can happen, nothing is ever written in the stars, & change is sometimes good, a new year, a new Bruce, good for him!
I wish him well on his journey of self discovery..

Bruce showing off some new support?

Bruce & his girls!